Tuesday, August 12, 2014

If I Could Tell My Beginning Homeschooler Self Something...

We have been homeschooling for the most part of the past three years and are starting on our fourth. I remember those beginning days like they were yesterday. I remember all the research I did, and still do, to figure out the best curriculum, the best schedule etc. As I look back and see where we have come from, I also look back and wish there things I could tell my newly homeschooling self. Here are the things I would tell myself.

- Take lots of field trips and realize they are just as educational, if not more, than books.

Some people, especially kiddos, are hands on learners. We can do book work all day long but until they get their hands on it, they will a lot of times lose it. Let them go on field trips as much as possible. Realize that they are educational and count as school days. School doesn't always mean sitting at our desks with pencils in hand.

- Breathe. He will learn to read in his own time. He will learn to do things in his timing and when he's ready it will take all of five minutes for him to get it.

Relax Mama. After many school days ending in tears, we both realized that when it's time, it's time. It will come. He doesn't have to know quantum mechanics tomorrow. :-)

- Don't fret over curriculum. You'll find things that work for you and things that don't. It's okay to change it up! It's okay to do something totally different than you had in mind.

Not everyone fits into a box curriculum and that is OKAY! 

- Get out with other homeschoolers. Finding a homeschool group is essential for your child and you. This give your child down time to play and learn and just be a kid. This gives you time for encouragement, adult conversation and much needed down time as well. 

- Link up with a seasoned homeschool mom. This is so imperative so you don't get overwhelmed and feel alone. Find that one mom ( or ten) who can be your mentor and your encouragement when those days get long, hard and you wanna throw in the towel. They will come. They will try to take over your mind and heart. Don't let them. Link up with great council and you'll be able to get through those tough days. 

- Don't over schedule yourself or your child. A lot of times we get caught up in all the extras we think we all need. I, for one, have a hard time saying no. When it comes to homeschooling it can be quite overwhelming and gas guzzling with all the running you do. Pick and choose extras with your child. Let them choose one or two things they enjoy to have as extras and try not to over do it. That's not good for you or your kiddo. 

These are just a few things I would go back and tell myself. Things I have learned in the past few years and I'm sure there will be tons more to come. Remember to breathe. You can do this! Homeschooling is not some far off crazy mystical creature you can't reach. Follow your heart and what you feel God is leading you to do. Let Him lead your homeschool and you're sure to be on the right path. 

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